Problem with cam

    case 0: //hacker
      if(job[playerid] != nojob)
			SendClientMessage(playerid,0xAA3333AA,"You already have a job type /stopjob to stop your job");
			else if(job[playerid] == nojob)
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, "You are a Hacker Your Commands Are /hack /stophack /sendfiles");
      job[playerid] = hacker;
			SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 671.0868,-519.5146,16.3359);
i have this code but if the player changes the cam the buidling wont load
so player choose hacker

than he gets an other cam before a building

but the building doesn't load properly how to fix this?

Messages In This Thread
Problem with cam - by Pawno_Master - 01.11.2009, 06:23
Re: Problem with cam - by Sergei - 01.11.2009, 07:29

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