[EPIC BUG]cannot connect to the server

Hello,furst of all i want to say thath i have a problem like many people in this forum.The problem is that i cant connect to any 0.3a or RC10 9 8 7 6 5 .... server i tryed with all the versions lastly i tryed with 0.3a i goed to the main site dowloaded the newest version and then i tryed to connect to the game the problems remains the same cannot connect to the server it says 'OMG I DIDENT SLEEP LAST NIGH OF THE REALEASE IF THE OFFICIAL 0.3a AND NOW I CANT CONNECT F**"can say some people but i am still calm and i depend on you to slove my problems.And dont Come to me with a massege buy the original game.Last night i saw my fried playing i asked him for his game is it bued or downloaded he said he downloaded the game from a site and i did it too i took the site from hom but still the samp bug remains.

Discription of the Bug:

When i try to connect to some samp server thats using 0.2.2 or highter is says "started 0.3a Connecting to XXX XXX XXX:XXX faild to connect:Reraing"

Please if anyone have a salution post here i really want to play there are not anymore servers on 0.2x atm

((ah and sorry if its not posted in the right section,and mu bad english offcorse))

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