25.10.2009, 08:29
Update: I finished writing the streaming code and all of the new natives for the additional items yesterday. I am currently testing what I can and fixing any bugs I can see before I release the next version (there are about 60 natives now, so I probably will not catch everything!).
Also, for some reason, my post on the previous page is not appearing, so here it is in case anyone missed it:
Also, for some reason, my post on the previous page is not appearing, so here it is in case anyone missed it:
Originally Posted by Incognito
$ЂЯĢ: Yes, I have decided that I will stream race checkpoints and 3D text labels as well.
cyber_punk/Kyosaur!!: I just tested with 1,000,000 (one million) objects in my local server, and they all streamed perfectly with fine with two players connected. Memory usage was around 100MB, and when a player moved, CPU usage jumped to about 5% using the default tickrate (obviously, if you have that many objects created, you will need to raise the tickrate—unlikely, though, because it took me several hours to create them all in my script!). These numbers can be a little misleading, though. The best thing to do is to simply try it out on your server and see how it fares. At some point in the future, I will create a zoning system so that there will be less objects to iterate through on each update. By the way, there is no limit to the number of objects that can be created (well, technically, there IS, but you will probably run out of memory before reaching it). [SU]BP13: The tickrate varies. For me, a tickrate of 100 was about 200-300ms, but for slower processors, it will probably need to be lowered to stream objects effectively. Try a few different values to see what works best for you. Shady91: The Linux version has a bug that will be fixed in the next update. |