[Help] Finding the X,Y from an object

Originally Posted by thuron
if it is an fs, just search for different coцrdinats, and see where it is.
Can't actually understand what you mean

Originally Posted by dice7
Have you tried GetObjectPos ?
I create the object like this

pawn Код:
CreatePlayerObject(playerid, 3267, pX + (3.9212456678* floatsin(-pA, degrees)), pY + (3.9212456678* floatcos(-pA, degrees)), pZ-1.5, 0, 0 , pA);
Then I have a command. ex. /fire I do CreateExplosion, but the explosion will create in different places I where i set tha cannon.. I also set the cannon with a command.

Messages In This Thread
[Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by RyDeR` - 24.10.2009, 19:19
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by thuron - 24.10.2009, 19:31
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by dice7 - 24.10.2009, 19:40
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by RyDeR` - 24.10.2009, 20:10
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by RyDeR` - 25.10.2009, 08:02
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by Adamrcook - 25.10.2009, 08:05
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by RyDeR` - 25.10.2009, 08:16
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by Adamrcook - 25.10.2009, 08:18
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by RyDeR` - 25.10.2009, 08:27
Re: [Help] Finding the X,Y from an object - by Adamrcook - 25.10.2009, 08:30

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