[NPC] Jeff the Paranoid - Grenade Dealer

Hi guys, wrote an NPC, called Jeff the Paranoid, located in Willowfield, LS

The guy is selling grenades to player.

- Dialogs used for the shop;
- Shop opens on key pressing;
- NPC movements are recorded in parts to add some messages;
- Meant to be used with gl_chatbubble, If not, u should add specific chatbubble scripts by urself, so it wont spam the global chat;
- Some code used from taxitest and gl_actions;
- needs to be tested!!!

Known bugs:

- NPC responses only 1 player at once, looks like it cannot be fixed while current response method is used;
- I failed to record animations, so it can't smoke and perform some other actions;
- response method is still buggy, cuz it was taken from taxi_test npc and wasn't meant to be used like this



*IMPORTANT* Mirrors are welcome.

*IMPORTANT* You can use whatever you need with notifying me about it, except the name and style of my NPC. Create more MMO-style NPC's!!!

PS My English might not be perfect, excuse me


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