Can some on explain the server types

Originally Posted by Double-O-Seven
Isn't RP and RPG the same shit?
It's meant to be, usually RPG has some minigames and stuff to keep you busy.

Messages In This Thread
Can some on explain the server types - by DeeBalee - 15.10.2009, 01:45
Re: Can some on explain the server types - by DeeBalee - 15.10.2009, 01:58
Re: Can some on explain the server types - by Abernethy - 15.10.2009, 03:04
Re: Can some on explain the server types - by BDup23 - 15.10.2009, 03:36
Re: Can some on explain the server types - by (.Aztec); - 18.10.2009, 14:34
Re: Can some on explain the server types - by Double-O-Seven - 18.10.2009, 14:38
Re: Can some on explain the server types - by (.Aztec); - 18.10.2009, 15:20

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