Possible to save timer?

Hey. Look, can i make to save timer time? Say that i set timer to 100 hour, and after that something happen. But i didn't believe, that player play 100 hour's without DC, sleep and other stuf.. So, can i make that Dini saving timer time? And after login timer continue.

Messages In This Thread
Possible to save timer? - by cepiokas - 14.10.2009, 16:14
Re: Possible to save timer? - by MenaceX^ - 14.10.2009, 16:16
Re: Possible to save timer? - by shady91 - 14.10.2009, 16:18
Re: Possible to save timer? - by cepiokas - 14.10.2009, 16:21
Re: Possible to save timer? - by cepiokas - 14.10.2009, 16:43
Re: Possible to save timer? - by [nl]daplayer - 14.10.2009, 16:47
Re: Possible to save timer? - by cepiokas - 14.10.2009, 16:56
Re: Possible to save timer? - by [nl]daplayer - 14.10.2009, 17:19

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