Need help adding these objects

Ok, im trying to add these 3 objects to a simple FS and seem to have 2 warnings

Here is the script
#include <a_samp>

// This is a comment
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	print(" Blank Filterscript by your name here");
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;


	print(" Blank Gamemode by your name here");


public OnGameModeInit()
	// Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
CreateObject(16563, 2463.6838378906, -53.93856048584, 24.184394836426, 0, 0, 90.555114746094);
CreateObject(16564, 2428.2980957031, 135.7837677002, 25.455825805664, 0, 0, 179.09997558594);
CreateObject(7153, 2479.1232910156, -92.20337677002, 28.317699432373, 1.0299987792969, 0, 0);

AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	return 1;

public OnGameModeExit()
	return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
	SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	return 1;

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
	return 1;

public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
	return 1;

public OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[])
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/mycommand", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		// Do something here
		return 1;
	return 0;

public OnPlayerInfoChange(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnRconCommand(cmd[])
	return 1;

public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerObjectMoved(playerid, objectid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerExitedMenu(playerid)
	return 1;
Here are the errors

C:\Users\Cameron\Documents\My Projects\IMG folder\palomino creek medic and police.pwn(37) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\Cameron\Documents\My Projects\IMG folder\palomino creek medic and police.pwn(42) : warning 217: loose indentation
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Warnings.
Please help!


Messages In This Thread
Need help adding these objects - by CameronF91 - 12.10.2009, 23:32
Re: Need help adding these objects - by CameronF91 - 13.10.2009, 07:47
Re: Need help adding these objects - by Abernethy - 13.10.2009, 07:48
Re: Need help adding these objects - by Imran.Abbas - 13.10.2009, 08:03
Re: Need help adding these objects - by CameronF91 - 13.10.2009, 08:07
Re: Need help adding these objects - by Imran.Abbas - 13.10.2009, 08:10
Re: Need help adding these objects - by CameronF91 - 13.10.2009, 08:14
Re: Need help adding these objects - by Imran.Abbas - 13.10.2009, 08:45
Re: Need help adding these objects - by CameronF91 - 13.10.2009, 09:01
Re: Need help adding these objects - by Abernethy - 13.10.2009, 09:03

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