[Solved] Server Crashes

Originally Posted by Kye
For some reason it's crashing loading the game mode amx file. Can you load other modes besides your own?
Yeah, I can... But why won't it load? It compiles ok... :S
I've completed "Major changes needed to 0.2X scripts:" steps..
I use these includes if that's important:
#include <a_samp>
#include <JunkBuster>
#include <dudb>
#include <pBank>
#include <MidoStream>
Maybe some of those causes problems?

EDIT: Removed JunkBuster... It loads now..

Messages In This Thread
[Solved] Server Crashes - by SiJ - 11.10.2009, 10:44
Re: [Help] Server Crashes [Need Someone Who Understands crashinfo.txt] - by Limex - 11.10.2009, 14:24
Re: [Help] Server Crashes [Need Someone Who Understands crashinfo.txt] - by SiJ - 11.10.2009, 15:23
Re: [Help] Server Crashes [Need Someone Who Understands crashinfo.txt] - by Kalcor - 11.10.2009, 15:27
Re: [Help] Server Crashes [Need Someone Who Understands crashinfo.txt] - by SiJ - 11.10.2009, 16:04

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