[SA:MP 0.3 RC8-5] Ghost Car bug - Please confirm

Well, I was playing with two friends in GamerX when derrepende one of them got out and could go inside the vehicle, while I and my other friend did not. My friend who went inside the vehicle through which the Patriot was there, it was as if the car just turn into texture

Watch the video:
[SA:MP 0.3 RC8-5] Ghost Car bug

OBS: My friend could see the car, so he threw the Satchel a car

My SA:MP: SA:MP 0.3 RC8-5
My GTA:SA: GTA:SA 1.0 U.S.

My Friend's SA:MP: SA:MP 0.3 RC8-5(I think)
My Friend's GTA:SA: GTA:SA 1.0 U.S(I think)

GamerX SA:MP 0.3 Server: SA:MP 0.3 Server RC8-1

Sorry my bad English

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