[FilterScript] Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version)

You're not even checking if the player is riding the horse. So according to your code i can press SHIFT, ALT or SPACE to move even without riding.

Also i don't understand why you declared "angle" twice.

Imho, this should be a snippet, not a filterscript. I don't see anything that's valuable to be "copied and exhibited everywhere".

To everyone asking a video, imagine a horse having convulsions to get the idea. (This is what happens when you press multiple keys at once)

Messages In This Thread
Horse System [BETA 0.7] (Coming Soon v1.5 (Alpha) - by JohnStark - 12.07.2020, 15:02
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by DIRTYBYT3 - 12.07.2020, 21:31
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by DaZzY - 13.07.2020, 01:23
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by JohnStark - 13.07.2020, 08:03
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by jasperschellekens - 13.07.2020, 08:31
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by DaZzY - 13.07.2020, 09:06
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by Symon - 13.07.2020, 10:34
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by DarkMaster - 13.07.2020, 12:27
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by tysanio - 13.07.2020, 14:21
Re: Horse System (Beta 0.7 Version) - by Pottus - 14.07.2020, 01:50

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