Server Sided Health/Armour Functions.

Originally Posted by SharpenBlade
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Yes, sorry, I have read it wrong. I am not sure about it... Why don't you use it like this?
PHP Code:
GetPlayerHealthEx(playerid) return Player[playerid][Health];
//in command:
new Float:health GetPlayerHealthEx(playerid); 
You are already storing health value in a variable, just use it.
Server Sided Damage & values associated will make it quite hard, will be a lot of new variables created and it'll get confusing once i dive in deep with different damage types, so im trying to make a framework which benefits of simplicity from the beginning, if its extra code behind the function, I dont mind, so long as the other side of it is a lot easier to understand.

Messages In This Thread
Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SkyFlare - 01.07.2020, 09:57
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SharpenBlade - 01.07.2020, 10:05
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SkyFlare - 01.07.2020, 10:14
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SharpenBlade - 01.07.2020, 10:24
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SkyFlare - 01.07.2020, 10:26
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SharpenBlade - 01.07.2020, 11:32
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SkyFlare - 01.07.2020, 11:37
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SharpenBlade - 01.07.2020, 12:40
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by SkyFlare - 01.07.2020, 14:14
Re: Server Sided Health/Armour Functions. - by ShadowMortar - 01.07.2020, 14:23

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