Vehicle wont show correctly

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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What's the code under OnDialogResponse()?

for(new i = 1; i <= cache_num_rows(); i++)
I suggest you to use:
for (new i, rows = cache_num_rows(); i < rows; i++)
//Or, even better yet:
new rows;
for (new i; i < rows; i++)
(Or, i = 1 and i <= rows. However, 0 is always the first row so this piece of code skips the first result).
When you use cache_num_rows() in the statement part of the for() loop, it gets called every loop. When you assign it the way I did, cache_num_rows() is called once.

Also also, I highly recommend you to use threaded queries.
If your MySQL server would be lagging somehow, your entire server will freeze for everyone after using /v untill the results come in and are handled.
Oh thanks man, that is better.

    		new string[64], carid = listitem;

    		format(string, sizeof(string), "Selected: %d - PosX: %f", carid, CarInfo[carid][CarPosX]);
    		SCM(playerid, -1, string);
This code i use to check theyr coords if it matches my cars and not someone else.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle wont show correctly - by MarianImmortalGod - 28.06.2020, 10:22
Re: Vehicle wont show correctly - by SkyFlare - 28.06.2020, 10:32
Re: Vehicle wont show correctly - by Kwarde - 28.06.2020, 10:36
Re: Vehicle wont show correctly - by MarianImmortalGod - 28.06.2020, 10:41
Re: Vehicle wont show correctly - by Kwarde - 28.06.2020, 10:47
Re: Vehicle wont show correctly - by MarianImmortalGod - 28.06.2020, 10:55

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