24.05.2020, 19:06
Note to people who combine global and per-player objects (thus also streamed objects): It is possible to take up all available server slots and not be able to create any global objects even though there are less than 1000 per-player objects shown to every player.
It goes like this: create 500 global objects, then create 500 per-player objects for one player. Delete all global objects and create another 500 per-player objects for another player. Now the first half of possible slots is occupied by per-player objects for the second player, while the second half is occupied by the first player. No additional global objects can be created now since there are no unused slots left. This is an "issue" caused by the server's handling of per-player objects. It can be fixed by ensuring per-player objects are preferentially created at a slot occupied by other per-player objects, which is something you can do script-wise, but not in case of the streamer which takes control of per-player objects creation by itself. The latest version of YSF deals with this globally. If you set GroupPlayerObjects 1 in the config, per-player objects will prefer grouping with per-player objects from other players and will never take new slots, unless there are no other per-player slots available. |