Error "cannot read from file: "rotations""

C:\Users\Diuks\Desktop\Host\filterscripts\driverfs.pwn(106) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "rotations"
Error line
#include <rotations>
I am using the include rotations of Nero_3D and it gives me this error.
їAny idea what it can be?

Include Link:

Thanks for your help

Messages In This Thread
Error "cannot read from file: "rotations"" - by Niconarbone - 14.05.2020, 03:47
Re: Error "cannot read from file: "rotations"" - by Shadow0707 - 14.05.2020, 03:59
Re: Error "cannot read from file: "rotations"" - by GameOvr - 14.05.2020, 15:17

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