30.09.2009, 23:11
You will need something more.. When the player returns Text3D it should be deleted, and for that we will need ID, therefore it tries the following:
In the top
In OnPlayerConnect
In OnPlayerDisconnect
In Command /afk
In Command /iamback
I hope gives right
In the top
pawn Код:
new Text3D: Label_AFK[MAX_PLAYERS];
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
if(Label_AFK[playerid]!=INVALID_3DTEXT_ID) Delete3DTextLabel(Label_AFK[playerid]);
pawn Код:
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
Label_AFK[playerid]=Create3DTextLabel("afk", 0xFFFF00FF, x, y, z+1, 100, 0, 0),Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(Label_AFK[playerid], playerid, 0, 0, 0, 0);
pawn Код: