08.05.2020, 20:11
Returning 0 will result in not receiving any damage. Since you only have return 0 under specific conditions it will only prevent damage there. Are you sure you didn't assign ID 51(explosion) as on of these? WEAPON_CARPARK, WEAPON_HELIBLADES, WEAPON_VEHICLE_MINIGUN
Also this isn't the whole code I have under the OnPlayerDamage there's bunch of other things, however it DOES NOT matter what is there under OnPlayerDamage the explosion and burning damage will not apply on the player.
I tried commenting out piece by piece of that public in order to see what part exactly causes the issue and was able to find none. And I can assure you none of the "return 0;" can possible cause it not to deal damage since its all blatant like this:
if(tdmTeam[playerid] == tdmTeam[issuerid] && issuerid != IPI) { return 0; }
On every single "return 0;" i have under that public I've also wrote a short message that would help me determine which one is causing it not to deal damage and no message is being shown as if no "return 0;" is being called.