weapon config help

Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
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Returning 0 will result in not receiving any damage. Since you only have return 0 under specific conditions it will only prevent damage there. Are you sure you didn't assign ID 51(explosion) as on of these? WEAPON_CARPARK, WEAPON_HELIBLADES, WEAPON_VEHICLE_MINIGUN
No sir I have not touched weapon-config.inc at all.

Also this isn't the whole code I have under the OnPlayerDamage there's bunch of other things, however it DOES NOT matter what is there under OnPlayerDamage the explosion and burning damage will not apply on the player.

I tried commenting out piece by piece of that public in order to see what part exactly causes the issue and was able to find none. And I can assure you none of the "return 0;" can possible cause it not to deal damage since its all blatant like this:

if(tdmTeam[playerid] == tdmTeam[issuerid] && issuerid != IPI) { return 0; }
This was just an example I have absolutely no complex code in there its just checking whether the players are in lobby or are same team so they shouldn't be able to deal damage to one another etc. etc.

On every single "return 0;" i have under that public I've also wrote a short message that would help me determine which one is causing it not to deal damage and no message is being shown as if no "return 0;" is being called.

Messages In This Thread
weapon config help - by cipi89 - 07.05.2020, 01:38
Re: weapon config help - by Adamoneoone - 07.05.2020, 09:41
Re: weapon config help - by cipi89 - 08.05.2020, 10:19
Re: weapon config help - by jasperschellekens - 08.05.2020, 11:18
Re: weapon config help - by cipi89 - 08.05.2020, 20:11

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