30.04.2020, 11:47
Last edited by NoorMustafa123; 30/04/2020 at 12:28 PM.
0.3DL is kinda pointless, rather he move to 0.3.9 which would be a good combo of DL and 0.3.7 no use further developing a concept thats bleeding players. most of SAMP's playerbase resides in 0.3.7 like it or not. most SAMP's playerbase are either Asian, Eastern Europe, Middle East and African and mostly under 18, so these people have computers that can barely run GTA properly most you're average SAMP these days is interested in 2 things money, and shooting of course if im referring to RP servers so yeah. like i said rather he focuses on the future its pointless to further develop a concept like 0.3DL that can barely retain its player-base when most players arent interested in "serious" rp. most of the "serious" rpers come from Western Europe and North America and they've simply moved on from SAMP thats a fact many do not want to accept like it or not.
A small note to the other people: Without Kalcor, SA-MP wouldn't be a thing, actually he has done a lot from the beginning of SA-MP and we should all really appreciate that and thank him for whatever he has done. If you really think spamming will work, then you should get over it and just ignore it, act like DL was never a thing.