26.04.2020, 14:34
This is an excellent concept, but its unfortunate this will result in banning of ALL mods. Especially those essential .asi based fixes (anticrasher.asi, mousefix.asi, MixSets.asi, fastload.asi). All of those ASI plugins have nothing to do with cheating & actually improve the gameplay experience. Mousefix.asi especially, as for me it fixes some major mouse bugs within GTA SA itself. Not being able to use it would render the whole server unplayable.
In my opinion, completely banning the ASI loader & modloader entirely becomes more harmful than helpful. My suggestion is to add a more in-depth filter, allowing the ASI loader to work; but whitelisting specific ASI plugin hashes. Like a list of known & verified ASI plugins that only improve experience & have zero benefit for cheating.
In my opinion, completely banning the ASI loader & modloader entirely becomes more harmful than helpful. My suggestion is to add a more in-depth filter, allowing the ASI loader to work; but whitelisting specific ASI plugin hashes. Like a list of known & verified ASI plugins that only improve experience & have zero benefit for cheating.