03.04.2020, 20:57
Last edited by beckzy; 25/04/2020 at 08:05 PM.
I don't know if this is a bug but when selecting an option from Wheel Arch Angels (tried that modshop only), such as Respray or Exaust or anything in that menu, the interior is not visible anymore aswell the vehicle. (Blank screen)
But the menu is still visibile. |
Edit: Video (Thanks Deadsh0ty) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZQgn5SkWo4
Edit - 25/04/2020:
- When the mod shop menu is destroyed pmodshopmenu is set to Menu:INVALID_MENU instead of Menu:0
- Sound ID 1055 "SOUND_SHOP_BUY_DENIED" is played with the "You don't have enough money to buy this item." text when you try to respray, buy a paint job, or buy a component without enough money
- Added a second text draw displaying "You have already bought this item!" if you try to select a one type component that you've already bought (e.g. Hydraulics) . Sound ID 1055 "SOUND_SHOP_BUY_DENIED" will also be played when this text shows