[FilterScript] beckzy's mod shops

Originally Posted by Chaprnks
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I like the script, but I just noticed one major flaw: AFAIK, Kalcor removed CreateMenu function from SA-MP recently.. I remember reading a reply in Everything & Nothing about how its rarely used on servers or something.
CreateMenu was patched, not removed. It still exists.

Edit - 03/04/2020:

- Fixed Dumper being allowed in Transfender (it isn't moddable)
- Fixed invalid components not being filtered on aircraft and trailers

Messages In This Thread
beckzy's mod shops - by beckzy - 02.04.2020, 22:56
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by SonnyGamer - 03.04.2020, 00:00
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by l0gic - 03.04.2020, 01:14
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by Chaprnks - 03.04.2020, 03:26
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by beckzy - 03.04.2020, 06:26
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by Fairuz - 03.04.2020, 17:20
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by Mobtiesgangsa - 03.04.2020, 18:53
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by beckzy - 03.04.2020, 19:25
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by Symon - 03.04.2020, 20:34
Re: beckzy's mod shops - by beckzy - 03.04.2020, 20:57

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