01.11.2019, 17:30
The older sa-mp servers don't have the resources to make new models, and it's unclear their players even want them.
There are even some server owners who have said that they wouldn't mind releasing the models for everyone to use if DL gets merged with the new version. When that happens there will be plenty of resources available to download and use. When players get in contact with the new DL features they will love it, it might even encourage some of the players to start creating some skins or objects that the server can use or the player can release.
If the servers chooses not to use the custom models, that's fine too! Let the servers that are showing their creativity with the custom objects and skins (there are many examples on this forum) do their thing, don't "punish" them by giving them a seperate version that's difficult to find for new players.
I love the DL features since I've first seen it appear on the forums. I'm not a server owner, hence why I don't think you'll take my comment "seriously". There are so many of us who love the DL features (Including some of the big server owners!), so many of us who are trying to convince you that the DL features are worth it and will be a big thing in SA:MP. It would be waste of your development time, time of the people who already moved their server to the DL version (they have to revert changes if they want to have access to the majority of the playerbase) and it would be a waste of all these promising creative servers that make full use of the DL features.