Checking if no one's player-specific variable is equal to value

Originally Posted by Mugala
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Well, first, use GetPlayerPoolSize instead of MAX_PLAYERS, no need to loop through whole 1000 player if they're not connected.
Second, you're making it correct, but return is extra, you don't need that. remove return from code.

so correct code looks like this
PHP Code:
    new TotalWinners 0;
0GetPlayerPoolSize(); <= ji++)
IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue; //make loop faster.
if(LottoNumber[i] != && LottoNumber[i] != LottoNum//check if they got a wrong number
SendClientMessage(iCOLOR_WHITE"{FFFF00}LOTTO: Unfortunately you haven't won the lottery. Good luck next time!");
TotalWinners++; //so we got a one more winner
TotalWinners == 0SendClientMessageToAll(-1"nobody won"); 
I want a winner guaranteed every time. So I did this:

	while(TotalWinners < 1)
		LottoNum = 1 + random(59);

		for(new i = 0, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i <= j; i++)
			if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
			if(LottoNumber[i] == LottoNum)
				// Get the player's name
				GetPlayerName(i, Name, sizeof(Name));
				format(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "{FFFF00}LOTTO: Congratulations, you have won $%i in the lottery!", LottoPrize);
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, Msg);
				format(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "{FFFF00}LOTTO: %s has won $%i in the lottery. Congratulations!", Name, LottoPrize);
				SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, Msg);
				GivePlayerMoney(i, LottoPrize);
				if(LottoNumber[i] != 0 && LottoNumber[i] != LottoNum && TotalWinners > 0)
					SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "{FFFF00}LOTTO: Unfortunately you haven't won the lottery. Good luck next time!");
				else return 0;
		if(TotalWinners > 0)
			for(new i = 0, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i <= j; i++)
				LottoNumber[i] = 0;
				LottoNum = 0;
				LottoPrize = 0;
However, it didn't output anything.

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