[FilterScript] [FS] NPC's For 0.3 (Only for SA:MP 0.3)

NPC's for SA:MP 0.3
This is a filterscript that will only work in SA:MP 0.3 available at this link: http://www.sa-mp.com/download.php
Basically all this filter does is make a couple computer players walk around, drive around, and fly around in LS. THEY ARE ONLY IN LS. If people want me to make NPC's for them, I will if you request them. You can PM me if you want to ask something, or you can post any questions here and I will try and get you a solution to your problem.
The locations:
Go to the end of the fishing pier and you will find the beach guy.
Go to any airport (Except Desert) and wait and the guy flying will eventually come.
Go to Grove Street, you'll find OG Loc's crazy ass walking around.
And just look around all over the city for the last one, driving a pimped black Phoenix.
You cannot kill them, I have heard you can with spray cans, but I haven't tried it personally.
You might want to stay out of the way of their driving if you like to live.
Car stops at most red lights before turning, just to keep you a little bit safer.
Do not try to run over the ones on foot, it will just F**K your car up.

NPC_FS_BY-Quincy.rar <<4Shared.com

PS: Any tips, tell me and I'll do it, thank you.
EDIT: IN THE NPCMODES FOLDER CHANGE THE NAME OF "GROVE" AND "GROVE.amx" TO "Grove(walking)" and"Grove(walking).amx" or else OG_LOC won't be out blasting.
<< 4Shared, fixed the OG_LOC error.

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