20.08.2019, 08:30
Create a dynamic area (you need streamer plugin):
Create an iterator (you need YSI 5) to store who player is in area:
When you start the event, store the timerid so you can kill it later.
In this callback below, we will choose a random player for NPCs to aim at or you can set a random player for each NPC to make it more realistic.
All NPCs aiming at one player:
Each NPC aiming at random player:
pawn Code:
// global variable
new Area_Barco;
// OnGameModeInit
Area_Barco = CreateDynamicSphere(-1456.6010, 1500.7106, 6.9688, 100.0);
// OnGameModeExit
pawn Code:
// global
new Iterator: Barco_Players<MAX_PLAYERS>;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid)
// entered barco area + the event has started + player is spawned (spectators can call OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea) + not a bot
if (areaid == Area_Barco && barcoeventoss == 1 && IsPlayerSpawned(playerid) && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
Iter_Add(Barco_Players, playerid);
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea(playerid, areaid)
if (areaid == Area_Barco && barcoeventoss == 1 && IsPlayerSpawned(playerid) && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
Iter_Remove(Barco_Players, playerid);
return 1;
new player_state = GetPlayerState(playerid);
return player_state != PLAYER_STATE_NONE && player_state != PLAYER_STATE_WASTED && player_state != PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING;
pawn Code:
// global
new Timer_Barco = -1;
// when event is being started
Update3DTextLabelText(barcoevento,COLOR_WHITE,"{00CC00}Estado: ACTIVO\n{FFFFFF}Faltan 10 MIN para finalizar");
barcoeventoss = 1;
tiemporestante = 10;
SetTimer("tiempodeevento",60000,false); //TIMER COMMAND FOR THE UPDATE OF TIME
Timer_Barco = SetTimer("Shoot",1000,true); //HERE IS THE IMPORTANT, CALL THE CALLBACK SHOOT IN 1 SECOND
// when event is finished
... // reset variables
Timer_Barco = -1;
All NPCs aiming at one player:
pawn Code:
forward Shoot();
public Shoot()
new victim = Iter_Random(Barco_Players);
if (victim != INVALID_ITERATOR_SLOT) // iterator is not empty. another way is to check if Iter_Count(Barco_Players) is > 0
for (new i; i < sizeof (barco); i++)
FCNPC_AimAtPlayer(barco[i], victim, true, -1, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
pawn Code:
forward Shoot();
public Shoot()
if (Iter_Count(Barco_Players) > 0)
for (new i; i < sizeof (barco); i++)
FCNPC_AimAtPlayer(barco[i], Iter_Random(Barco_Players), true, -1, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);