[FilterScript] [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool)

Desert's Multi-Tool FS (DMT)


This filterscript follows with currently 3 "Tools" which is: Car Spawner. Skin Changer and Teleport menu!

The car spawner: The car spawner allow you to spawn cars at your possition and place you in it
That will get rid of the very annoying fact that if you lose a car out in the middle of nowhere. You got to walk.

Skin Changer: The old style way. F4 then kill to change skin. But with this all you have to do is /skin [ID] and your done!

Teleport Menu: /teleport and then you got a small menu providing you with 15 diffrent teleport possitions all over San Andreas!
When you open the menu you can choose between LS SF or LV possitions. And 5 points in these!
Each city have a TP to the local Hospital. Airport. police department and 2 points of interest.
Etc. SF's point of interest is Mount Chilliad and Doherty.

/dhelp Command: This shows command shows which version of DMT your running. Commands. And help where to send bugs/suggestions.


Pictures can be found here: /imageshack/gal.php?g=samp134.png


.rar with .PWN and .AMX

http://pastebin.com/f4525dba0 Pastebin


Spotted bugs or got a great idea? Feel free to post here or PM me!

(Small warning. If you use a ID which dont exist when using /car or /skin your game will crash!)


Scripting: Desert
Idea: Boredom (Was bored and just started make this)

Please enjoy


Messages In This Thread
[FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by Desert - 26.09.2009, 17:00
Re: [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by [XST]O_x - 26.09.2009, 17:04
Re: [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by Desert - 26.09.2009, 17:06
Re: [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by Luka P. - 26.09.2009, 19:48
Re: [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by Desert - 26.09.2009, 20:11
Re: [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by Desert - 26.09.2009, 20:30
Re: [FS] DMT (Desert's Multi-Tool) - by Luka P. - 27.09.2009, 19:26

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