Error 76: Syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call

Originally Posted by FireBoy89
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Could you specify/provide the error line/number?
Line 89, which is this one:

	mysql_format(Database, query2, sizeof(query2), "UPDATE `account` SET `Job` = '%i', `JRank` = '%i', `Phone` = '%i', `Skin` = '%i', `Mute` = '%i', `Jail` = '%i', `Ban` = '%i', `PosX` = '%f', `PosY` = '%f', `PosZ` = '%f', `PosA` = '%f' WHERE `ID` = '%i'", pInfo[playerid][Job], pInfo[playerid][JRank], pInfo[playerid][Phone], skin, pInfo[playerid][Mute], pInfo[playerid][Jail], pInfo[playerid][Ban], pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pInfo[playerid][ID]);

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