08.04.2019, 21:21
The DVD version of San Andreas has a license that allows for mods. The steam version doesn't.
SA-MP players peaked in 2013. 0.3x was the last version released where the total player count went up. You're starting to understand some of the reasons why. But I've already known this for years. |
And see if it will not attract more servers to DL, and will not bring players here.
The possibility of having different weapons and vehicles, opens a giant box of imagination to all servers.
Having the possibility of:
New objects, new vehicles and new weapons, the possibilities are endless.
Another feature that would be very good, is to be able to add pages in HTML and javascript, to create interfaces, much more beautiful and efficient than textdraws.
Do not let SA: MP die, we still have many members in the community, and I see lots of new players coming. (In Brazil at least)