>Pickup delete on server restart<

 stock LoadTextdraws()
    Date = TextDrawCreate(549.599975, 14.933262, "31.12.2018");
	TextDrawLetterSize(Date, 0.275599, 1.555199);
	TextDrawAlignment(Date, 1);
	TextDrawColor(Date, -1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Date, 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Date, 1);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Date, 51);
	TextDrawFont(Date, 2);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Date, 1);

	Time = TextDrawCreate(549.600036, 26.133247, "18:24");
	TextDrawLetterSize(Time, 0.306000, 1.338666);
	TextDrawAlignment(Time, 1);
	TextDrawColor(Time, -1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Time, 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Time, 1);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Time, 51);
	TextDrawFont(Time, 2);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Time, 1);
	return 1;
This is the stock LoadTextdraws()
I placed them at the same place. It is in the command "CreateDynamicPickup" ...
But i think anythink is missing from my Gamemode because i try another gamemodes and the and the problem is still there! Pickups and Text is not there
Maybe a plugin or someting

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