[Ajuda] Compilador

Nгo sei instalar Essa parte que ele pede.

There is an installation package available for openSUSE/SLES users so that you can easily install the compiler on your distribution. Please follow these steps:

Go to https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/...82589731On the right side, select your distribution (only if it's not disabled!)
Click "Go to download repository"
>>>>>>> Essa parte : Copy the link and enter in sudo mode in your shell: zypper ar $COPIED_LINK home:mschnitzer
Again as root, type: zypper ref
Install the package with zypper in pawncc
Run pawncc in your shell to test if it's working
Alguйm que entenda disso profundamente?
Acho que ele estб pedindo para instalar o compilador, mas nгo entendo disso.

Messages In This Thread
Compilador - by GuiKommander - 06.04.2019, 03:09
Re: Compilador - by RenanMsV - 06.04.2019, 03:40
Re: Compilador - by Malandrin - 06.04.2019, 12:26
Re: Compilador - by GuiKommander - 06.04.2019, 16:12
Re: Compilador - by 1sbedx - 06.04.2019, 17:08
Re: Compilador - by GuiKommander - 06.04.2019, 17:51
Re: Compilador - by 1sbedx - 06.04.2019, 19:11
Re: Compilador - by Malandrin - 06.04.2019, 19:24

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