Houses load from the data base

Originally Posted by rockys
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i = in game id
h = database id

h = i-1 because for() start from 1
Don't help when you have no idea of what you are talking about.

To the original poster:
MySQL row IDs start from 0 so you have to loop from 0. You need to remove that code where you subtract, that's useless.

Messages In This Thread
Houses load from the data base - by bosmania - 04.04.2019, 13:13
Re: Houses load from the data base - by rockys - 04.04.2019, 13:21
Re: Houses load from the data base - by bosmania - 04.04.2019, 13:25
Re: Houses load from the data base - by Logic_ - 04.04.2019, 18:54

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