[Plugin] Modern GPS plugin

Originally Posted by NaS
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Just switched from RouteConnector to this plugin for the NPC Drivers and found a small issue with node connections.
If a node points to another node but it doesn't point back, the path sometimes stops there (although it should probably try to find another way). It seems to work in most cases but rarely doesn't.

An example for that would be near the LS Airport highway (I can try to find two node ids that produce this if this helps).

I also get a warning/error in the console sometimes:

"Failed to dispatch thread: resource unavailable try again: resource unavailable try again"

It keeps spamming that and then crashes. So far no idea why it happens, it doesn't seem to be too busy at that point and I made sure the nodes passed to FindPathThreaded are valid etc.
Thanks for reporting, it's interesting that these things have happened to nobody else considering that the plugin is used on some large production servers (KCNR, a spanish and an iranian server, soon on RC-RP). I'll do some testing when I find some time and get back to you if I need some more information. I should implement the last missing features soon, I've left the plugin unmaintained for about 3 months already...

Messages In This Thread
Modern GPS plugin - by kristo - 23.12.2018, 23:27
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by Alexis17 - 23.12.2018, 23:37
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by RogueDrifter - 24.12.2018, 00:49
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by Crayder - 24.12.2018, 02:40
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by SyS - 24.12.2018, 10:36
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by PT - 24.12.2018, 10:40
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by Logic_ - 24.12.2018, 13:10
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by Marshall32 - 24.12.2018, 15:01
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by cuber - 24.12.2018, 16:05
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by Awide - 24.12.2018, 19:07
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by NaS - 25.12.2018, 18:54
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by iorp - 26.12.2018, 08:40
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by kristo - 01.01.2019, 14:27
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by NaS - 31.03.2019, 13:59
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by kristo - 31.03.2019, 14:26
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by darkHero - 08.04.2019, 10:15
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by TommyB - 09.04.2019, 07:11
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by darkHero - 09.04.2019, 07:15
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by kristo - 12.04.2019, 21:10
Re: Modern GPS plugin - by Crayder - 13.04.2019, 04:30

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