
Originally Posted by justinnater
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You have to be more precise here...
Can you define 'don't work so great' please?

Looking at your code... I have a few things I would like to point out.

Why would you locate a size of 2500? That's a lot of memory that will never be used.
Also the reason is way to big of size. I don't imagine a whole story being written into a reason, neither will it be possible to send a message within SendClientMessage that is over 144 characters long.

With this check it would only be possible for a player to be liked (or disliked) 1 time and never again.

You are using sscanf to declare and check for two variables, although, if I look at your I am assuming you want 3 parameters to be used.

Another thing...
format(Str, 2500, "{FFFF1A}You have recieved a positive respect point from %s with reason: %s",PlayerName(playerid), playerid, Reason);
These parameters are not adding up... You are declaring two parameters (First one with PlayerName and second one with playerid, there is no other one to be used for 'Reason'

You could also do (And should) instead of
I try to make something exactly how did you say,but,the result was same. And yes,there are must three parameters:
HTML Code:
if(sscanf(params, "uS[256]", Player, Reason))
Also,if I give respect,just one work,exemple,I can't give negative respect,just postive.

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Help - by SeeNN - 30.03.2019, 02:32
Re: Help - by justinnater - 30.03.2019, 02:53
Re: Help - by SeeNN - 30.03.2019, 03:19
Re: Help - by justinnater - 30.03.2019, 03:29
Re: Help - by SeeNN - 30.03.2019, 04:33

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