
How can make that command to work with reason,because when I use that command,don't work so great...

HTML Code:
CMD:respect(playerid, params[])
	new Player, Reason[256]; new Str[2500];
	if(sscanf(params, "uS[256]", Player, Reason)) return
	SendUsage(playerid, "/Respect [ID/Name] [1/-1] [Reason]");
	else if(!IsPlayerConnected(Player)) return
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "{00FF40}Player not connected");
	else if(Player == playerid) return
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "{00FF40}You cannot give yourself respect!");
	else if((gettime() - rldtime[playerid]) < 180) return
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "{00FF40}Sorry, but you can give a point of respect only once in an 3 minutes!");
		if(CosminInfo[playerid][Like] == 0)
		    CosminInfo[Player][Like] += 1;
			format(Str, 2500, "{FFFF1A}You have recieved a positive respect point from %s with reason: %s",PlayerName(playerid), playerid, Reason);
			SendClientMessage(Player, COLOR_YELLOW, Str);
			format(Str, 2500, "{FFFF1A}You have given %s a positvive respect point with reason: %s", PlayerName(Player), playerid, Reason);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, Str);
			rldtime[playerid] = gettime();
	    else if(CosminInfo[playerid][Dislike] == 0)
  			CosminInfo[Player][Dislike] += 1;
			format(Str, 2500, "{FFFF1A}You have recieved a negative respect point from %s with reason: %s",PlayerName(playerid), playerid, Reason);
			SendClientMessage(Player, COLOR_YELLOW, Str);
			format(Str, 2500, "{FFFF1A}You have given %s a negative respect point with reason: %s", PlayerName(Player), playerid, Reason);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, Str);
			rldtime[playerid] = gettime();
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Help - by SeeNN - 30.03.2019, 02:32
Re: Help - by justinnater - 30.03.2019, 02:53
Re: Help - by SeeNN - 30.03.2019, 03:19
Re: Help - by justinnater - 30.03.2019, 03:29
Re: Help - by SeeNN - 30.03.2019, 04:33

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