Originally Posted by SaiBerFun
Originally Posted by Donny
Your id conflicts with Weapon Menu by V1ceC1ty.
Check the list in my siggy for a unique id.
Originally Posted by Kye
I need to be more careful with my examples. It wasn't really intended that people would use a hardcoded ID for their dialog but rather a define.
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ID_DIALOG_WEAPONLIST,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"List of weapons:",listitems,"Select","Cancel");
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid == ID_DIALOG_WEAPONLIST) { .........
So say you get 2 filterscripts with conflicting dialogids, just change the ID_DIALOG_BASE to a new number and it's all fixed.
ur thread is kinda dumb.
u should tell ppl to use different bases :P
much easier to change and easier to understand.
Originally Posted by Donny
This is a list of the current dialog ids being used in released scripts, please make sure your id used doesn't conflict with the any ids on the current list:
What exactly is hard about reading a list and choosing a number which isn't on it ?
If you can't do that then wouldn't that make you the "dumb" one and not the thread ?