Running a SA-MP server without loss (These days)

The popularity of SA-MP servers and potential to make money from running them is long gone, in the past (2010-2012) you could easily run a SA-MP server on a cheap host and get 50-100 players at a time with heaps of donations, these days you will spend $30+ a month and make nothing from donations (or very little), in the 2 and a half years I ran my server (2016-2019) I never made a profit, not even close to profit (We had 30-40 players during our early years 2016-2017, but over time the player base dropped until the end where we had barely any players even with hosted tab)

Current days with hosted tab I don't think it's even possible to have 20-30 players at a time on a new server, even some established servers can't even pull those numbers anymore.

The server I ran was established since 2010, I took over ownership in 2016, but we just could not pull the same numbers our server had years before.

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