Include sendemail

I modified:
HTTP(0, HTTP_POST, Link, "", "");
In this(i gave up on includes and I inserted the function in the gamemode):
HTTP(playerid, HTTP_GET, Link, "", "EmailDelivered");
Because in sendemail.php i use function $_GET. Now I get error 302 HTTP, how can I solve it?
The php script runs I tested it but only in game I get the error.

Function SendEmail:
function SendMail(playerid, EmailTo[], Message[]) {
    new Link[500];
    format(Link, sizeof(Link), "", EmailTo, Message);
    HTTP(playerid, HTTP_GET, Link, "", "EmailDelivered");
    return 1;
EDIT: I replaced my web name with mydomain, is just an example.

Messages In This Thread
Include sendemail - by qRazor - 24.03.2019, 12:55
Re: Include sendemail - by bgedition - 24.03.2019, 15:22
Re: Include sendemail - by qRazor - 24.03.2019, 15:45
Re: Include sendemail - by bgedition - 24.03.2019, 16:25
Re: Include sendemail - by qRazor - 24.03.2019, 20:16
Re: Include sendemail - by iorp - 24.03.2019, 20:35
Re: Include sendemail - by qRazor - 25.03.2019, 14:24
Re: Include sendemail - by qRazor - 25.03.2019, 20:45

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