21.03.2019, 01:19
Последний раз редактировалось SeeNN; 21.03.2019 в 02:23.
So,I have a problem,I do not know how can make an error. If a player send a message to admins,and the admin use command to solve him problem,and write another id,work,but it should not.
Here can see what is wrong,there show id 0,if I write id 1,work,and should not to work...
Ph: https://imgur.com/PZoe6Uj, https://imgur.com/PZoe6Uj
Here can see what is wrong,there show id 0,if I write id 1,work,and should not to work...
Ph: https://imgur.com/PZoe6Uj, https://imgur.com/PZoe6Uj
CMD:answer(playerid, params[])
new Player; eString[0] = EOS; new LittleCount[10];
if(CosminInfo[playerid][Level] < 3) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You must to be Admin Level 3 to use that command", "{E4EDF4}Trebuie sa fi Admin Level 3 pentru a folosi comanda respectiva");
if(sscanf(params, "uS[250]", Player, ReqeStr)) return SendUsage(playerid, "/answer [ID]");
if(Player == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}Player is not connected", "{E4EDF4}Jucatorul nu este conectat");
if(ServerInfo[ServerReports] == 0) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}This player has not been having a problem", "{E4EDF4}Acest jucator nu a cerut ajutor");
new Str[2500];
if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] == 1) format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{3399FF}HELP REQUEST: {F81414}%s {E4EDF4}ti-a raspuns la problema", PlayerName(playerid));
else if(CosminInfo[playerid][Language] == 0) format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{3399FF}HELP REQUEST: {F81414}%s {E4EDF4}has answered the problem", PlayerName(playerid));
SendClientMessage(CosminInfo[Player][ReportedByy], -1, Str);
ServerInfo[ServerReports]--; CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] = -1; format(ReqeStr, sizeof(ReqeStr), "%s", eString);
format(LittleCount, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]);
format(LittleCount, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]); TextDrawSetString(ReportInfo[1], LittleCount);
foreach(new l: Player) if(CosminInfo[l][Level] >= 3)
if(ServerInfo[ServerReports] == 0) TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);
else TextDrawShowForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);
format(eString, sizeof(eString), "{3399FF}[ADMIN]: {F81414}%s {3399FF}has solved help request of the player {F81414}#%s", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(Player)); MessageToAdmins(COLOR_YELLOW, eString);
return 1;