dialog gender input

Originally Posted by TheToretto
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You can't compare strings like that. Use strcmp (cmp stands for compare)

pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(gender, "male") || !strcmp(gender, "female"))
// this means gender is equal to either male or female, remove the "!" to do the opposite

how do I get dialog's inputtext and put it under 'gender' variable?

 new gender = inputtext;
i get: error 033: array must be indexed (variable "-unknown-")
error 001: expected token: "-string end-", but found "-identifier-"

Messages In This Thread
dialog gender input - by v4yne1 - 15.03.2019, 17:20
Re: dialog gender input - by TheToretto - 15.03.2019, 17:31
Re: dialog gender input - by v4yne1 - 15.03.2019, 17:39
Re: dialog gender input - by TheToretto - 15.03.2019, 17:47
Re: dialog gender input - by v4yne1 - 15.03.2019, 18:47
Re: dialog gender input - by TheToretto - 15.03.2019, 19:26
Re: dialog gender input - by v4yne1 - 15.03.2019, 19:54
Re: dialog gender input - by d3Pedro - 15.03.2019, 20:06
Re: dialog gender input - by v4yne1 - 15.03.2019, 20:23
Re: dialog gender input - by d3Pedro - 15.03.2019, 20:35
Re: dialog gender input - by v4yne1 - 15.03.2019, 21:07

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