event system help


help me with a restriction,like if 10 people have teleported to the event,i want the others to not be able to tp anymore

new playersteleported;
CMD:tpevent(playerid, params[])
foreach(new i : Player){
if(EventOrganizer[i] == 1){
GetPlayerPos(i, Float, Float:y, Float:z);
if(playersteleported > 11) return SCM(playerid, -1, "u can't teleport anymore");

SetPlayerPos(playerid, Float, Float:y, Float:z);
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
event system help - by bosmania - 14.03.2019, 14:00
Re: event system help - by TheToretto - 14.03.2019, 14:18
Re: event system help - by bosmania - 14.03.2019, 14:22
Re: event system help - by TheToretto - 14.03.2019, 14:24
Re: event system help - by bosmania - 14.03.2019, 14:45
Re: event system help - by Gameluner - 14.03.2019, 15:01
Re: event system help - by SymonClash - 14.03.2019, 20:15

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