[Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages

You can't remove garages since it will always cause crash.

Simple method is to block them with object.

Here is include I used to use: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?pid=3334346#pid3334346

It's simple and you don't need to create objects manually for each garages. Just place BlockGarages(true, GARAGE_TYPE_ALL, "Some_text"); under OnGameModeInit and you're done.
If you don't want any text to be displayed on invisible wall than just write BlockGarages();

Messages In This Thread
[Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by CobraWoW - 12.03.2019, 21:25
Re: [Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by L0K3D - 12.03.2019, 21:41
Re: [Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by CobraWoW - 12.03.2019, 21:51
Re: [Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by CobraWoW - 13.03.2019, 09:28
Re: [Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by Kaliber - 13.03.2019, 10:53
Re: [Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by CobraWoW - 13.03.2019, 16:18
Re: [Help] Close all the mod/pay n spray garages - by feartonyb - 13.03.2019, 16:39

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