[Map] Parliament of Qatar

Hello everybody I'm Kleo and I'm new on this forum , I mapping for long time but now I want to share some maps with you,there is Parlament/Ambasade of (BDP richest country) Qatar.
Note : I couldnt find better texture for this flag so I hope it's okay!

Pictures :

Codes :
Qatar Parlament by Kleo

Messages In This Thread
Parliament of Qatar - by Kleo07 - 11.03.2019, 11:32
Re: Parliament of Qatar - by SonnyGamer - 11.03.2019, 12:40
Re: Parliament of Qatar - by Kleo07 - 11.03.2019, 12:55
Re: Parliament of Qatar - by Kleo07 - 14.03.2019, 17:38

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