How to see other player stats?

I use this.

forward ShowStats(playerid,targetid);
public ShowStats(playerid,targetid)
	new admin = pInfo[targetid][pAdmin];
	new vipp = pInfo[targetid][pVip];
	new fvip[32];
	if(freevip == 1) {fvip="{FFA200}Yes";}
	else if(freevip == 0) {fvip="{FFA200}No";}
	new kills = pInfo[targetid][pKills];
	new deaths = pInfo[targetid][pDeaths];
	new money[256];
	format(money,sizeof(money),"{00D400}%s$",FormatNumber( pInfo[targetid][pMoney], 0, ',' ));
	new level = pInfo[targetid][pLevel];
	new ws = pInfo[targetid][pWs];
	new muted[32];
	if(pInfo[targetid][pMuted] >= 1) { muted = "{FF0000}Yes"; }
	else if(pInfo[targetid][pMuted] == 0 ) { muted = "{00FF00}No"; }
	new jailed[32];
	if(pInfo[targetid][pJailed] >= 1) { jailed = "{FF0000}Yes"; }
	else if(pInfo[targetid][pJailed] == 0 ) { jailed = "{00FF00}No"; }
	new amute[32];
	if(pInfo[targetid][pAdminMuted] >= 1) { amute = "{FF0000}Yes"; }
	else if(pInfo[targetid][pAdminMuted] == 0 ) { amute = "{00FF00}No"; }
	new aunmute[256];
	format(aunmute,sizeof(aunmute),"{00D400}%s$",FormatNumber( pInfo[targetid][pAdminMutedPrice], 0, ',' ));
	new string[2000];
	format(string,sizeof(string),"{FFFFFF}Статистика на %s\n\nLevel: {FFA200}%d {FFFFFF}| Admin Level: {FF0000}%d {FFFFFF}| VIP: {FFA200}%d{FFFFFF} | Free VIP: %s {FFFFFF}| Kills: %d {FFFFFF}| Deaths: %d{FFFFFF}\nMoney: %s {FFFFFF}| Weapon Skill: %d {FFFFFF}| Muted: %s {FFFFFF}| Jailed: %s{FFFFFF} | Admin Muted: %s {FFFFFF}| Admin Unmute Price: %s",GetName(targetid),level,admin,vipp,fvip,kills,deaths,money,ws,muted,jailed,amute,aunmute);
CMD:check(playerid, params[]) 
    new giveplayerid; 

    if (sscanf(params, "u", giveplayerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Usage: /check <playerid/name>"); 

    return 1; 

Messages In This Thread
How to see other player stats? - by Lixyde - 08.03.2019, 17:51
Re: How to see other player stats? - by TheToretto - 08.03.2019, 18:11
Re: How to see other player stats? - by Autorojo - 09.03.2019, 18:26
Re: How to see other player stats? - by scripter112 - 09.03.2019, 22:29
Re: How to see other player stats? - by UFF - 10.03.2019, 05:04

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