04.03.2019, 18:32
Check out your enum for PlayerInfo, it could be something like "enum E_PLAYER_INFO" or anything, then look for the line which contains "pClanTag" and drop it down here please.
(To help you find the enum, CTRL + F => new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][/something.will.be.here] then copy the content of the "[ ]") |
enum pInfo {
pID, pUsername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],
pPass, pStatus,
pLevel, pRespect,
pAdmin, pHelper,
pMoney, pBankMoney,
pHouseKey, pBusinessKey,
pRentedHouse, pFaction,
pMember, pLeader,
pRank, pFactionPunish,
pSex, pAge,
pMuted, pMuteTime,
pJailed, pJailTime,
pWantedLevel, pWantedReason[256],
pEmail[64], pSkin,
pContract, pContractValue,
pLanguage, pBanned,
pCarLicence, pFlyLicence,
pBoatLicence, pBikeLicence,
pGunLicence, pPremiumPoints,
pPremiumAcount, pWalkie,
pWalkieOn, pNumber,
pCellphone, pCellphoneOnline,
pPermGun, pPhoneCredit,
pClanMember, pClanRank,
pClanInvite, pClanid,
pIphone, pLastMessage,
pClanTag, pClanTagOn
new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
this is the whole enum,pClanTag is the last on the left row,now other things i have on clan tag
its defined for updating in the data base, #define pClanTagx 50,
the case with the clan tag in my UpdateVariable(playerid, varid) function,
case pClanTagx: format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `ClanTag` = '%s' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", PlayerInfo[playerid][pClanTag], PlayerInfo[playerid][pID]);
and this
cache_get_field_content(0, "ClanTag", sz); format(PlayerInfo[playerid][pClanTag], 5, sz);
but i don't think the problem comes from any of this