Unique phone numbers

The easiest way for a newbie I can think of, is to save the phone numbers in a text file. I highly recommend you to check how to do that. Then you could convert that into mySQL!

Messages In This Thread
Unique phone numbers - by bosmania - 02.03.2019, 13:14
Re: Unique phone numbers - by benjaminjones - 02.03.2019, 19:22
Re: Unique phone numbers - by bosmania - 02.03.2019, 21:04
Re: Unique phone numbers - by Pottus - 03.03.2019, 00:26
Re: Unique phone numbers - by bosmania - 03.03.2019, 08:42
Re: Unique phone numbers - by benjaminjones - 03.03.2019, 09:17
Re: Unique phone numbers - by Dignity - 03.03.2019, 09:56
Re: Unique phone numbers - by m3shys - 03.03.2019, 10:15

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