28.02.2019, 21:24
Последний раз редактировалось andrejc999; 28.02.2019 в 22:58.
I think it's not because of objects. I tried removing those that cause a crash and yet another one comes out so that's not the problem.
Player crash on first spawn for some reason. People who have a crashfix for their GTA game don't crash at all so I don't know what to do. I'm planning to open the server soon but I have to fix this first.
I've been destroying my head with this for last 7 days and still can't find a fix.
Should I provide you with more information like my includes or something, if it helps?
If it helps here ya go:
Another thing, Dini2 is faster than y_ini that's why I'm using it and I guess I'll stick with it.
EDIT 2: I fixed it.
I was adding a component to a vehicle that doesn't support it, that's why it crashed all the time.
Some of the other crashes were because of some little things I poorly scripted and it's all fine now.
Thanks anyway.
Player crash on first spawn for some reason. People who have a crashfix for their GTA game don't crash at all so I don't know what to do. I'm planning to open the server soon but I have to fix this first.
I've been destroying my head with this for last 7 days and still can't find a fix.
Should I provide you with more information like my includes or something, if it helps?
If it helps here ya go:
#include <a_samp> #undef MAX_PLAYERS #define MAX_PLAYERS 100 #include <fixes2> #include <a_players> #include <YSI\y_iterate> #include <YSI\y_timers> #include <streamer> #include <sscanf2> #include <OnPlayerUseVending> #include <strlib> #include <Dini2> #include <PawnCMD> #include <DialogCenter> #include <timerfix>
EDIT 2: I fixed it.
I was adding a component to a vehicle that doesn't support it, that's why it crashed all the time.
Some of the other crashes were because of some little things I poorly scripted and it's all fine now.
Thanks anyway.