23.09.2009, 03:49
Originally Posted by Roxan_Almighty
Originally Posted by jasonstevens
Oh boy Calgon, You sure did surprise me with this script. I've been modifying mine for almost 5 months now and I have a BUGGED car ownership system in it that saves mods, plus a Trucker job and Mechanic job. Me, being as self-conceited as I am, Will continue to think my edit is by far THE BEST! I'll release it in another couple of months.
Originally Posted by dirkblok
Where is the car dealership and how does it work?
thanks Dirk |
Originally Posted by Roxan_Almighty
Originally Posted by jarrah
honestly, what's the difference between this script and carlitos roleplay? a new mechanic and /dropcar system is it?
Carlitos lacks so many administration commands, player utilises and so much more, I've added a heck of a lot to be completely frank. Unlike most scripters, I don't copy everything I see, so everything except /detain and the original carlitos script is what I have made.
Features I've made:
- Anticheat
- Hospital
- Car Scrapping / Fishing
- Mechanic Job
- Antispam
- Conversion to more dynamic file system (using dini instead of the default system)
- Loads more of new admin commands
- Enhanced phone system (and 911 system)
- Enhanced admin duty system
- Many more saving attributes (weapons, health, armour)
- Tutorial
- Enhanced banks system (safety deposit boxes)
- Unban system
- CKing (with /set playerid ck 1 and /unck [name])
- Extremely easy to use ban system
- Rope/rags (/tie and /blindfold)
- Enhanced matrun/drugrun/product run system with timers.
- Spectator
- Position restoring
- Ping Kicker
- Enhanced vehicle system (now can be spawned IG etc)
- And so much more.