25.02.2019, 16:24
I've already erased it house system...
But I have one problem here. I have a house number 200 to build a car Buffalo, that car belongs to the house 200..
But when I get in the car, it will show me that this car has its own EmpireSk... I can not get in the car even when I have a username EmpireSk...
But I have one problem here. I have a house number 200 to build a car Buffalo, that car belongs to the house 200..
But when I get in the car, it will show me that this car has its own EmpireSk... I can not get in the car even when I have a username EmpireSk...
PHP код:
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
for(new houseid;houseid<MAX_HOUSES;houseid++)
for(new x;x<HouseInfo[houseid][CarSlots];x++)
if(vehicleid == Vehicle[houseid][x])
new HC = GetPVarInt(playerid,"CarID");
new sa[128];
new blockmsg[128];
format(blockmsg,128,"~r~WARNING~n~~n~~w~This vehicle belongs to the player:~n~~g~%s",DOF2_GetString(sa,"Owner"));
FormatPlayerInfoBox(playerid,"~g~Virtual Reality",blockmsg,3000);
return 0;
return 1;