Originally Posted by Kye
Originally Posted by Daren_Jacobson
got to page 3 and decided you are all idiots.
you don't even have a mouse except in the main menu, i think there is something going on with the scoreboard mouse wise, but it doesn't seem to work for me. so how are you going to get the x, y of a players mouse when it is (for me) always stuck in the top left corner of screen.
I understand that maybe when you do a TogglePlayerControllable it makes the mouse appear, because the player has nothing better to do then.
wasn't very specific here, when i hit tab, the mouse picture that is in GTA folder appears in center and i can't move it., but sometimes when i alt+tab, or switch windows it gets stuck in the top left of screen.
Update your video card drivers.
I wasn't very specific, but what i meant was that when i hit tab the mouse that is in GTA folder appears, and i can't move it, and sometimes when i alt+tab or switch windows it locks the cursor in the top-left of screen.
also i just checked, drivers are up-to-date.