22.02.2019, 15:57
If you want to make your life ez in a long run, don't use Vehicle Models, use vehicleid's. In this case modelid might be good enough, but don't get used to it.
You need OnPlayerEnterVehicle;
You need OnPlayerStateChange;
And yes, timer to triple check it; ( or alternatively anti-NOP's system )
You can use NOP'S, member ?... Or, jus't don't use jet's and tanks. Or any other vehicle in the game if you are not willing to put some work in to anti-cheat. Actually, don't create samp server at all, CLEO mod's are horrible these days, i wish we could go back to mod sob days...
You need OnPlayerEnterVehicle;
You need OnPlayerStateChange;
And yes, timer to triple check it; ( or alternatively anti-NOP's system )
You can use NOP'S, member ?... Or, jus't don't use jet's and tanks. Or any other vehicle in the game if you are not willing to put some work in to anti-cheat. Actually, don't create samp server at all, CLEO mod's are horrible these days, i wish we could go back to mod sob days...